HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's been a while since I last posted in this blog. (Sorry for that haha) this was supposed to be posted before 2014 ended but things just got crazy so yeah, better late than never right? Anyway, about this shoot... This wasn't really my first time to shoot for an OOTD. (I do that to my sister most of the time haha) but this was my first time to really conduct a photo shoot just to showcase an outfit. 

Everything was planned overnight. I just asked my high school friend, the model in the pictures, to pose for me because I wanted to practice my photography skills while I was on vacation. I just thought to myself, maybe it's time to become productive before the year ends. I spent so many days being lazy and just do what I want to do, so I finally decided to do a personal project. If there's one thing I learned from my first year in an art school, it's that nobody can help you become a better artist than yourself. 

Before editing the photos, I never really thought of a theme for it but as I was editing it, it seemed like a vintage-kind of photo shoot for me so I decided to give it a vintage look, having less contrast and a yellow-ish color. So that's about it! I'm really aiming to have more shoots this year so I hope that you'll stay tuned for that. ;)
I would really like to thank my friend, Kenneth Dadulo, for saying "yes" so quickly and for feeding me. hahaha!

You could see more photos on my personal blog: www.rhobzvillaluna.tumblr.com