Thursday, January 26, 2017

WORKSHOP EXPERIENCE: Googly Gooey's Watercolor & Lettering Workshop

Googly Gooeys, such a cute name for an incredibly sweet tandem. I have been their fan since... forever. Kidding! I have known Googly Gooeys in Tumblr during my high school days. I was always fond of the colors they used and the comical stories which I can mostly relate to. I became inactive in Tumblr for a while then after a few years (yes, years), the inner fangirl came out again when I discovered that Googly Gooeys holds workshops in watercolor lettering, as well as digitizing! Even though I already attended one before, I just couldn't miss meeting the masterminds behind such an awesome blog. I immediately signed up for a workshop in Alabang. A lot of complications happened that I almost couldn't come anymore, but Tippy (the 1/2 of the tandem), was so understanding that I was able to make it.

The workshop was held last June 13, 2015 in Fully Booked, Alabang from 1-5pm. The fee at that time was Php 2,600, but now it is already at Php 2,700. This already includes the workshop materials and some delicious snacks. Don't worry about the price because the experience is totally worth it!

I don't have a photo of the materials because I was too starstrucked and was just too excited to start. (sorry, huhu) Tippy was the one who administers the workshop and her husband, Ponggo, helps out.

The first part of the workshop was all about the basics of watercolor such as washes, how to expand your palette, and some popular watercolor techniques. So, here's my output... Obviously, I didn't do very well because I haven't really grasped the ideas of watercolor yet. You don't become an expert in something overnight, you know! (defensive much? haha) Good thing Tippy was there to guide us and eventually I understood the techniques. While she was helping me with my glazing, we talked a bit and learned that we both loved vibrant colors, yay!

Here are the outputs of some of my workshop-mates...

The second part of the workshop was about brush lettering. At first, my seat mates were surprised because I could already work well with the brush pen then I told them that I already attended a brush lettering workshop before and I have always loved using the brush pen to practice my lettering. Tippy, herself, also became interested with the way I write as a lefty herself. I also became interested with her way because she writes sideways, which is extremely difficult for me to do, by the way. While we were doing some brush lettering drills, we also ate snacks from Krispy Kreme. (wee!)

Before we started to do the drills, Tippy first discussed to us and eventually demonstrated the points of brush lettering.

We got lots of freebies in workshop. That includes some 300 gsm watercolor papers, and a children's book for watercolor reference. Don't you just love freebies? 'Cause I do!

Class picture! Thanks Sir Ponggo for taking our pic, yay!

I was one of the last persons to leave the venue and I got the chance to talk to Ponggo and Tippy about some stuff and I couldn't be happier. It's a dream come true!

By the way, Googly Gooeys recently held a workshop giveaway wherein the winner would get to attend a workshop FOR FREE! Yes, you read it right, FOR FREE! And guess what? I WON!! Yay! I have joined some giveaways before and decided to give up eventually because I never won. But this time, I took my chance because I really wanted to win this. I don't know the number of participants in the giveaway but I'm sure that it was a lot because it's Googly Gooeys! I chose the Digitizing workshop on November 29 in Fully Booked, BGC. So watch out for my blog post about it. ;) 

Even though they didn't get the surname right, it's okay because with the "jeje" nickname I have, I certainly know it's me. Haha! Thank you so much Googly Gooeys for this opportunity, and most especially to God because He knows how much I really want to join this workshop! <3

For more workshop information, visit their website:

or their Instagram account:

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